Technology-assisted Childcare Learning Stories – The Big Picture

Properly captured and presented, Childcare Learning Stories can be immensely efficient at opening dialogue between child, centre, the child’s educators and family home.

Our lifelong journey of learning is accelerated in the developmental years, when children are wired to learn about their world. Learning Stories are a wonderfully effective and natural method of documenting a child’s daily learning journey within the learning centre environment. Properly captured and presented, Childcare Learning Stories can be immensely efficient at opening a dialogue between the child, the centre, the child’s educators and family home. And that’s where technology like Kindyhub™ is changing the way we work.

Can technology assist the daily process?

A holistic early learning software program assists educators and managers to manage, document and report Childcare Learning Stories in a way that is easy to use, easy to store and easy to access for future planning.

More time to record, reflect and plan. Better outcomes.

Using devices like iPads and tablets gives educators mobility as well as a quick and easy way to document and record each child or group’s learning journey.
Childcare Learning Stories can quickly be shared with families, and families can just as simply share valuable feedback. Families can be educated on the learning and curriculum path that Early Childhood Centres take. Dialogue, real meaningful dialogue, brings families along on their child’s journey with you.

With everything in one place, it’s easy to see the way forward.

When learning outcomes can be recorded and reflected on in a timely fashion, future planning can happen within a few clicks of a button. Using the one system, educators can build on their knowledge and understanding of a child’s development outcomes. With a Childcare Learning Story laid out in front of you as well as the dialogue between family and educator, a pathway to the future can be seen. Certainly it makes reflecting on the individual a far more rewarding process.
Being able to work on one system in a timely manner? There’s no shortage of support.
Efficiencies save time, resources and money. But an efficient childcare learning centre software program like Kindyhub™ will do more than that.
Having a simple, effective method of entering information and daily recordings is a huge time saver for educators. With every child’s developmental record – observations and communications – in a centralised area, using that information to reflect, share and report is also more streamlined. When families can view communications sent from the centre at any time, it reduces the need for printing and printing costs. When educators transition rooms, all the history is accessible with a few clicks, making it easy to get up to speed on each new child’s development.

Enriching Childcare Learning Stories

When there is more time to collect, reflect and proactively share journeys through story telling, those stories meet best practice. It’s what the EYLF asks us to do.
Every child is different. Many Early Learning Centres are adopting a technology-assisted approach to catering for those differences.
“Kindyhub is our platform of choice for documenting children’s learning.”
“Digital documentation – Enhancing our Childcare Services” Neville Dwyer, Dorothy Waide Centre LDC Service

For information on how Kindyhub™ assists educators to document, share and engage families, please contact us or call 02 8916 7421. You can also get started with a 4 week free trial now.