What Exactly Do You Look For In A Childcare Digital Platform?

Something that can simplify the way you record, reflect and report on early childhood learning outcomes can do much more than save time, but often that’s the first thing users like about a Childcare Digital Platform.

Something that can simplify the way you record, reflect and report on early childhood learning outcomes can do much more than save time, but often that’s the first thing users like about a Childcare Digital Platform. As far as the technology driving such game-changing software, there’s still a lot of variance in the market.
So while you’re searching, here’s the sort of questions you might want to ask:

  • Does this Childcare Digital Platform help us meet or exceed legislation compliance?
    Don’t overlook the fact that your data MUST be stored on Australian servers for Legislation & Compliance purposes. Check before you buy. (At Kindyhub™ we invest a lot of time and resources into Legislation & Compliance, something we are indeed proud of.)
  • Is it easy to use?
    A Childcare Digital Platform can be innovative and still be easy to use. (Kindyhub’s advanced features are simplified to assist a quick uptake and adoption rate.)
  • Compatibility & Customisation.
    Is it compatible with or can it be customised to your Centre’s specific systems and procedures? Most systems are unable to adapt to the many different requirements and preferred reporting styles, but Kindyhub can.

6 Things your Childcare Digital Platform must have:

  1. The latest technology to simplify daily admin processes. It should be simple to navigate and functionally rich.
  2. Inbuilt video tutorials and a support team, so it’s easy to learn.
  3. Compatibility with current systems and procedures. Most important.
  4. An all-in-one platform where educators can observe, plan and reflect on a child’s learning & development, in tandem with the curriculum and Centre’s philosophy.
  5. The ability to help early learning centres to reach and exceed standards during their assessment and rating process. Kindyhub is known to greatly impact Quality Area 1 (Program & Practice), and QA5 (Partnerships with families).
  6. Functionality that creates an easy connection with families, helping families become more engaged in what and how their child is learning. Kindyhub gives families 24:7 access to their child’s journey and can send push notifications direct to a device when something new has been shared. Families are able to communicate with the centre and the child’s educators easily in return.

Look for flexibility

A Childcare Digital Platform should be flexible enough to accommodate an existing style of reporting or allow educators to create their own style of reporting. Educators need to contribute to documentation and programming. They need to think about the meaningful learning that is happening as well as working on learning goals and outcomes. A flexible program will assist this.
The beauty of an advanced Childcare Digital Platform is in the way it simplifies what an educator does by providing the means to express and share a child’s journey. On a human level, perhaps its largest asset.
Ready to buy a Childcare Digital Platform? Use caution and buy wisely.
For information on how Kindyhub™ assists educators to document, share and engage families, please contact us or call 02 8916 7421. You can also get started with a 4 week free trial now.