Kindyhub here for you during Covid-19

Well, the last 4-5 weeks certainly has been challenging for virtually everyone in Australia. With everyone staying home to help stop the spread of COVID-19, we have all had to adapt to how we approach many things we usually take for granted.
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Well, the last 4-5 weeks certainly has been challenging for virtually everyone in Australia. With everyone staying home to help stop the spread of COVID-19, we have all had to adapt to how we approach many things we usually take for granted.

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Early Learning Centres certainly have had their challenges; unfortunately, this pandemic caught everyone off-guard, and as such, some decisions seem to be getting rushed through without much thought (but that is another story). The other group of Australians that are experiencing a few challenges of their own are the parents! Yes, parents have suddenly found themselves having to keep bored children occupied as they start to bounce off the walls from being stuck inside (the children, not the parents). 

Being parents ourselves and understanding the challenges we have introduced a new feature to help parents, plus wanted to share how centres are making the most of Kindyhub to keep everything moving forward.

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The New Home Learning Feature for parents

You may have noticed the new Home Learning Icon in the Kindyhub App. Home Learning is a fantastic resource that provides parents with learning ideas and activities they can complete at home. The Kindyhub team is updating this, but we would welcome any ideas or input from educators or centres using Kindyhub. That way, we can create an extensive resource that can be used by the entire Kindyhub community. If every centre suggested one idea, that would provide hundreds of ideas to share with yourselves and families.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text admin_label=”2. Centres are waiting too long before they follow up enquiries” _builder_version=”4.4.3″ header_font=”||||||||” header_2_font=”||||||||” header_2_font_size=”28px” custom_padding=”30px||”]

At home Learning reports

Want to share ‘at-home’ learning activities with parents directly? No problem. The At-Home Learning Report has been created for this exact purpose. Educators have been finding this very useful to keep everyone progressing at a similar pace and working on related activities. Parents will view these on their learning icon via the app.

Communicating with families

One of the most used and loved features of Kinyhub is the Communicate function. An easy way to send messages, attachments, news and reminders to families. By using Capture to upload videos educators are enjoying being able to personalise their messages to maintain those close ties while the children are home.  Families can quickly reply with any questions or queries. With all correspondence conveniently kept in a central, secure location.

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Kindyhub Facebook Page

Looking for additional ideas, resources or information for parents or all things Early Childhood Learning? Make sure you check out the Kindyhub Facebook page  Jump on and leave a comment or any suggestions.

Kindyhub Training Sessions

If you find yourself with a little free time and you would like to brush up on your Kindyhub skills to ensure you are getting the most out of the platform, please book in a training session. Send us an email and let us know any specific areas that you would like help with and we can customise the training session to suit. These generally go for 30 minutes to 1 hour so you can fit them in during the day when it suits. We can also run these as a group session if you have several educators that need help with the same areas of the platform. 

The Kindyhub app allows you to communicate effectively with families, run reports quickly, and create visual stories of the children’s progress. Parents can log in and provide feedback, any incidents are recorded with ease, and you can create and share centre community events with families via the Kindyhub App.

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Using Kindyhub allows you to streamline your administration and management duties, giving you more time to do what you love – spending time with the children. Contact us for a demonstration or jump on a free trial today. 

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Want to test drive Kindyhub?

Signup for a FREE 4 week Trial or Book an online Demo with one of the friendly team.


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