Thinking About Going from Paper to Digital?

When your early learning centre is converting from a paper system to a computerised system there are a lot of things to take into account. Here are 5 things to consider before you make your move:

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Do Enough Families at Your Centre have Access to Technology?

Do the families at your early learning centre have access to the technology required to run the software you have chosen for your early learning centre or kindy? Is the software easy to use?

The software needs to be accessible for all families. Ensure that the software you choose complies with current legislation for data storage.

Most families do have a mobile phone, and often have a tablet too. You may consider doing a survey with the parents before you purchase, to find out what technology the families use most often. This can help you with your choice of software. Would they prefer an App or browser-based software?

Kindyhub can be accessed from an App (Android or iOS), as well as a web portal. Parents have the ability to select which form they wish to receive their daily updates and information.

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Are Staff Tech Savvy? Will there be a Steep Learning Curve when the New Software is Implemented?

If your staff are used to paper based systems at work, there may be a steep learning curve for some of your team members when you go to digital. Are some staff resistant to change? Allowing team members to have input into the software will help them to be more accepting, and make the roll-over process run more smoothly.

Ensure you organise the training, time, and resources necessary, and give the staff time to learn the new system and become accustomed to it.

Kindyhub has an easy to use interface and the ability to transfer your existing documents to our digital platform creating your own customised reporting library. Take a free trial and see how easy it can be. Our team can help with free training, and we can also organise a demo for your management and staff.

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What Aspects of the Business are You Wanting to be Digital?

Talk with your staff about what aspects of the App they think would work well on a digital platform. What frustrations do the team have about your paper-based system that could be enhanced by a computerised system?

Some of the aspects of your business that can be enhanced are workflow, communication between staff and families and easy access of documentation.

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Is Being Eco Friendly Important to the Centre?

If your early learning centre is looking to reduce your carbon footprint, a paperless system is a sustainable practice. It is the way to go. You reduce waste, save time, and save on paper, printing and trees.[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text admin_label=”Looking After Yourself” _builder_version=”4.0.9″ header_font=”||||||||” header_2_font=”||||||||” header_2_font_size=”28px” custom_padding=”30px||”]

Staff Retention

Administration processes at early learning centres and Kindergardens can put a high demand on staff. A Digital Platform, when set up and running, can reduce the workload for educators. Filing, sharing images, reports, getting feedback from staff and families and communication is all much quicker and easier with good quality software.

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Kindyhub can help your early learning centre become more efficient and organised. Kindyhub offers a range of features including family stories, documentation, reporting and more. We make communicating with families easy. 

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Want to test drive Kindyhub?

Signup for a FREE 4 week Trial or Book an online Demo with one of the friendly team.

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Let us show you how Kindyhub will help you transition to Digital

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Test out Kindyhub yourself with a fully working 4 week trial for Free!
