Effective Documentation for Early Learning Centres

In today's fast paced environment, effective communication for the early learning sector has never been more important. Evolving family dynamics have shaped Australia's requirements for child care, with many working mothers, single parents, grandparents and blended families accessing day care facilities to maintain their work-life balance, and to contribute to their child's socialisation and development.

Kindyhub appIn today’s fast paced environment, effective communication for the early learning sector has never been more important. Evolving family dynamics have shaped Australia’s requirements for child care, with many working mothers, single parents, grandparents and blended families accessing day care facilities to maintain their work-life balance, and to contribute to their child’s socialisation and development.
With many childcare centres operating at full or near full occupancy, educators are constantly looking for ways to streamline their communication process and build positive relationships with families.
Finding time to provide quality up-to-the-minute information to parents is an ongoing challenge when majority of an educator’s time is devoted to caring for the children they are charged with. While communication books are regularly updated, photographs taken, and progress reports completed, many centres report they would love to be able to provide families with more comprehensive information about their child’s milestones, daily activities and progress.

A solution to the day care communication dilemma

With time proving to be an obstacle for both families and educators, Kindyhub – the early learning software of choice for Australian childcare centres – provides a winning solution to the communication challenge while freeing up time for everyone.
The premise of the user-friendly day care software is simple – A centre using Kindyhub can upload photographs, updates and progress reports to their secure digital platform on a daily basis. This information can then be shared with parents and families on any tablet or device in real time, meaning they have access to their children’s activities and information any time of the day at the touch of their screen.
Says Kindyhub’s Founder and Co-Director, Danielle Bennett, “The response from families and educators across Australia has been amazing. Parents don’t feel like they are missing out on what their child did during the day, and centre staff are freed up to spend more time in their primary role – caring for and educating children. Kindyhub was designed as a tool to help families and educators bridge the day care communication gap, and we’re proud of our instrumental role in facilitating this.

Secure, user friendly and efficient

Edging on 170,000 registered users, security is paramount. Working in alignment with government legislation, all information is owned by individual centres and families, with data confined to Australian servers. Content is accessed via a customised application downloadable on any smartphone or tablet, with all users registering by way of username and encrypted password.
With its focus on security a natural draw card, Kindyhub offers a range of additional benefits to child care centres. Designed to streamline operations, maximise productivity and reduce costs, Kindyhub is saving centres’ resources such as paper, printer ink, distribution costs and staff time, leading to increased sustainability and freeing up valuable time to spend on children’s programs, care and activities.
Similarly, parents are enjoying Kindyhub’s flexible, user friendly features. With content accessible around the clock, they can experience their child’s progress and development in a digital environment that promotes collaboration and engagement, in a timeframe that suits their lifestyle.
Kindyhub’s technology advances documentation and communication for parents and educators,” says Danielle. “We’re committed to ongoing improvement to ensure we continue to fulfill the needs of families and childcare centres: the effective sharing of information about the most important thing – the events that take place in the lives of the children.
For more information about how Kindyhub can provide effective documentation for your early learning centre email now or call (02) 8916 7421.